Friday, March 23, 2012

The 12 Articles of the German Peasants, 1524

The theme of this reading is to show what the peasants thought about how their community was being reformed. The German peasants write 12 articles about twelve reforms that come from their feelings towards whats happening to them as well as the scripture. In these articles they argue for what they feel is right and just. These reforms talk about hunting wild game, how they feel they should not be considered property my man, how they feel each community should appoint a pastor, and ownership of a wood pile that is in their community. In this reading the peasants have gathered and organized an argument that is based on knowledge and the Bible. 

Several things that came to mind when I read this is that, unlike a lot of the others, I found this reading to be easy to comprehend as well as interesting to read. I was able to get into the story because I found it intriguing. One thing I learned in reading this is that I found out that "heriot" means "A tribute paid to a lord out of belongings of a tenant who died, often consisting of a live animal or, originally, military equipment."  Another thing that came to mind is how the peasants found it extremely disrespectful that the lords would force orphans and widows to do certain things. They didn't think that was fair by any means. This reading comes from Luther's teaching of peace rather than anger.

After reading this I noticed when it said, "it is our conclusion and final resolution that if any one or more of the articles here set forth should not be in agreement with the word of God, as we think they are, such articles we will willingly retract if it is proved really to be against the word of God by a clear explanation of the Scripture."  I noticed that the peasants really truly stand for what they believe in. They are not afraid to stand their ground and defend what they feel. In doing so, they use scripture to back up what they are saying and make sure what they say is true and accurate. Their love for God is abounding. What an impact this was!!
This reading relates to the text because you see reforms take place in history all over the place. Examples of this would be how the Church in Europe has been reformed and made multiple changes. They do exactly what the peasants did, and they bring up what is wrong or what they have issues with and make valid points to stand for what they believe. I feel that because they do this in such a polite and civilized manner, yet they get their point across, that this is why it succeeds and change takes place. So, overall I thoroughly enjoyed this reading and found it rather interesting.

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