Thursday, May 17, 2012

Adolf Hitler, Proclamation to the German Nation, February 1, 1933

The theme of this reading is that of WWI and what events occurred that left Germany in shambles under the power of Hitler. Hitler told the people of Germany that he along with God would fix the problems in their economy and society in a 4 year period. He basically took advantage of Germany at a low time which is very sad to see from such a strong, powerful leader.
Several things that came to mind when I read this was that Germany should have seen this economic crisis coming after all of the reparations they owed to other countries, income taxes, debt from spending, and the Great Depression didn’t help either. Therefore it was easy for Hitler to take over and get everyone on his side in such a crisis.
 After reading this I noticed that it was very naive for Germany to even think that this man could really bring the economy back on its feet after such a crisis in just four years guaranteed. That’s crazy to me. I mean thats good they had a positive outlook and were optimistic but you have to be real. Plus during this time Germany was not in leading growth for economy at that time. Hitler obviously had to have some sort of reasoning behind his extreme belief he could change that.
Reading this story makes me think about how Hitler must have been or seemed like a really kind and a nice decent person in Germany....Until he became a Dictator. I feel like people during this time were just searching for answers and something they could turn to and instead of God, they turned to Adolf Hitler, or perhaps they saw him as a sign or an answer to their prayers, kinda like their saving grace. Which kind of makes sense as to why they were so willing to follow him and how easy it was for him to gain immediate control, power, and popularity. Which soon lead to awful things for them and the discrimination of the Jews which no one saw coming because they trusted him so much, they were practically blindsided from one of the most horrific events that ever took place.
  This reading relates to the text because the book talks about events that took place after WWI and what caused or brought about WWII as well. It also discusses the issue of Hitler and his belief that he could single handedly bring Germany out of ruins. I found the reading to actually be very interesting and enjoyed this blog.

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